Lighten Your Bikini Area: Safe Ways to Treat Hyperpigmentation

Discoloration around the bikini area is normal, but it doesn't have to be a permanent concern! With skincare videos and a wide range of products available on the market to treat what feels like almost every skin condition, where do you even start?

Before we get into it: we want to make a quick disclaimer. Hyperpigmentation and dark coloration around your bikini area is caused by totally normal, everyday life. You don’t need to go out of your way to “treat” it, unless you’ve decided for yourself. There’s no need to give into the unrealistic expectations that life puts on us!

Now, if hyperpigmentation around your private area is something you’re worried about, there are a number of ways to help even out your skin tone.

What are some common causes of hyperpigmentation?

Before we go over potential solutions, let’s take a look at what causes this type of discoloration. If you know what to look out for, and why your skin pigment may change, then you can try to prevent some of the causes after treatment.

As many things, hyperpigmentation comes with age

In all honesty, age is going to be a contributing factor in the development of hyperpigmentation. In order to avoid the development of uneven skin tone as you get older, make sure that you properly care for your skin with an exfoliating and moisturizing routine so that it remains as healthy as possible.

Friction is a surprisingly common reason to hyperpigmentation

This may not be an explanation you were expecting, but friction actually plays a part in hyperpigmentation. Depending on the underwear you’re wearing and activities you engage in, your intimate areas can become irritated and result in darker, more pigmented skin over time.

Unfortunately it can just come down to genetic conditions 

Dark skin tones around the vaginal area can also be the result of your family’s genetics. Discoloration is a direct result of melanin overproduction which can be triggered due to genetic factors such as hormone production, pregnancy, menopause, and side effects from medication.

Irritating hair removal methods are another way to get hyperpigmentation

Another way hyperpigmentation appears is as a result of removing pubic hair. Shaving, over time, can trigger a stress response on your skin and leave it a little darker than they were before. This is especially plausible for people with highly sensitive skin as any form of irritation can bring on unwanted patches of dark skin.

How can you treat hyperpigmentation

While some of the contributing factors are a little out of our hands and unpreventable, the good news is that there are plenty of solutions for you to even your skin tone. 

Make sure to exfoliate the affected area 

Exfoliating your skin not only removes the buildup of dead skin cells while clearing up dry areas, it also helps keep your bikini line clean and clear, ready for fresh, healthy skin. 

Recommended skin-brightening topical products can help 

In addition to exfoliation, there are actually plenty of readily available products that are specially formulated to brighten the skin and disburse melanin buildup. These products are formulated with a variety of AHA’s to include citric and lactic acid that help the process of skin brightening.

Waxing is a safe hair removal method to avoid hyperpigmentation

Unfortunately, hyperpigmentation can happen as a result of something as simple as shaving. When we accidentally nick our skin or apply too much pressure, skin can become discolored as a result. A better alternative to shaving is waxing if you want to reduce dark skin patches.

Ways to avoid hyperpigmentation before it happens

Below we’ve taken the opportunity to outline some at-home recommendations so that you can provide the best environment for your skin to thrive.

Avoid tight fitted clothing

Since friction is one of the biggest contributing factors, it is strongly recommended to avoid tight fitting clothes. Especially right after waxing or other hair removal methods, your skin needs some room to breathe! 

Use good sunscreen after a bikini line hair removal

Your best option will always be preventative care. Protect your skin through the regular use of sunscreen and moisturizers. There are also ingrown hair serums that keep your skin happy and healthy, while also protecting it from skin discoloration.

Talk to a professional about any home remedies you may not know of

In doubt about what works best for you? Instead of stressing and reading countless articles, try to discuss your options with your esthetician. Your waxing specialist should have a number of suggestions to get you to your lovely, glowing skin. 

The Wax Room can help anyone from anywhere treat their hyperpigmentation issues!

Fall in love with your waxing experience by joining us here at The Wax Room! Our fully licensed technicians are excited to work with you and bring out the best for your skin by providing nothing short of the best service possible. Visit our website to book your next appointment today.

Jay York

As the founder & CEO of Grove Brands, Jay has dedicated his entire career to business growth through creative marketing strategy, taking advantage of both digital and traditional channels for his clients. A multi-talented marketer, he specializes in organic approaches to business problems, looking for often overlooked opportunities to help clients meet and exceed their goals. Jay has been featured in top tier publications like The New York Times, Adweek, Information Week, Fox Business, Mobile Marketing Watch and more.

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