The Top 10 Benefits of Waxing for Men

Waxing knows no bounds. Skincare transcends gender, and knowing what’s best for your skin means accepting your needs and advocating for them. Luckily, you don’t have to reach far or wide to find out about the top ten benefits of waxing for men.

On the hairier side, men typically have far more surface area to cover when it comes to waxing. And no matter your preference (outside of a male brazilian, not offered at The Wax Room), waxing is an excellent choice to keep your skin feeling smooth, avoiding razor burn and slowing your overall hair growth. 

Why should men consider waxing their body hair?

It might sound a little unconventional, but men have been getting waxed since before you were a twinkle in your parents eyes. The good news is, you don’t need to be a model or movie star to deserve feeling good about the texture and state of your skin.

There are plenty of reasons why men should consider getting their body hair waxed. Everyone has their own preferences, but there are a few benefits that are often overlooked or understated.

Long-lasting results

Men are notorious for their short commitment periods and need for efficacy. If you’re someone who enjoys the smooth, clean feeling of your skin, then you can appreciate that waxing can last up to four weeks. 

You read that right, four weeks with little to no hair growth. No razors, no burning or irritation. And by the time your hair length reaches a quarter inch, it’ll be ready for your next waxing session. Those long lasting results are reason enough to book your first waxing appointment.

Smoother skin

benefits of men's waxing

We know that pulling hair from the root means smoother skin overall. Without the stress of ingrown hairs, that smoothness shifts from patchy areas to the entire surface of your preferred wax area. When you moisturize after your wax appointment, your skin care products have the ability to penetrate deep into your pores, thus helping active ingredients do their jobs even better.

Less body odor

We all get a little stinky from time to time. Back, chest, and armpit hair can trap body odor, and while completely natural, it’s nice to smell good even after a heavy workout session. Waxing will not completely eliminate body odor, but it will drastically reduce the way you might smell from a sweaty, hairy underarm.

Finer hair with multiple appointments

As you traverse your waxing journey, you’ll start to notice that your body hair is growing back finer with each session. Not only will your future wax appointments become less painful, your body hair will continue to change, making a lighter, more manageable type of fine hair. 

This takes multiple appointments, so it’s important to stay on top of booking your sessions and follow your esthetician’s advice.

Brightens skin

Waxing can actually help brighten your skin after a few sessions, and you’ll notice it in any spots that you might have hyperpigmentation. A more even skin texture comes from taking care of your skin over time, and proper post-wax care.

Exfoliates dead skin cells

Men’s waxing services can also contribute to the removal of dead skin cells, revealing an exfoliated, fresh layer of skin underneath. When that level of exfoliation occurs, it triggers the cell growth response that helps with skin cell regeneration and turnover.

Better definition of muscle tone

Of course, with the absence of body hair, your muscle definition becomes more pronounced. All those hours you spent in the gym and nowhere to flaunt it with excess body hair. With regular waxing, you won’t need to worry about your muscle tone being hidden underneath your fuzzy belly. Even if you’re not the type to frequent the gym, a wax brings your beautiful skin to the forefront!

Promotes collagen production

Deep exfoliation helps promote collagen production. Collagen is what’s responsible for our skin looking lush, supple and youthful.

Higher skin sensitivity

Waxing in general leads to skin sensitivity. This means you’ll need to protect your skin from the sun and be aware that its pain threshold might be a little lower for a day or two immediately after waxing. There are, of course, some benefits to skin sensitivity. The touch of a loved one might feel a little more tender than it normally does.

Self-esteem boost and body positivity

When you decide how and what your body needs you gain trust and confidence within yourself to do what feels best to you. It’s not about everybody else or their preferences. Taking care of your body and skin is an enormous enormous chunk of what it means to practice self-care.

Book your men’s waxing appointment with The Wax Room

At The Wax Room, we offer full facial waxing, and body waxing for men. If you’re ready to dive into the world of waxing, take a look at the services we offer! We’re here to help answer any questions you may have, and educate you on the best ways to take care of your skin.


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